Reclaim Your Voice

with Nikki Berry & Gary Easterbrook


Please see information at our new website

This course is for all those people who think they can't sing or have been labelled 'tone deaf', from those who 'mime' in the back row, to those who belt it out while their friends and family cringe. It is also useful for anyone who would like to improve their singing, extend their range, develop a wider range of tone choices and/or sing more accurately.

Nikki has been pioneering this work for many years and seeks to explode the myth of the 'non-singer'. Singing is a skill that develops naturally in children. Most people who have trouble singing in tune have had this process interrupted in some way. By learning a range of techniques, and through the creation of a supportive, non-threatening environment, we will work to gently reshape the image we have of ourselves as 'non-singers' and claim the right to enjoy using our voices.

A strong part of Nikki and Gary's work is to build a sense of community in the group, where members are supported to shine their brightest, and get through what ever may get in the way. To read testimonials from people who have attended, click here.

Topics covered include: (For in depth information and testimonials, see Nikki's Website)

  • Learning to sing in tune
  • Overcoming anxiety
  • Singing technique - breath control, tone variety, range extension
  • Music definitions - understanding musical terms
  • Developing rhythmic skills
  • Basic harmony singing

The Tutors:

Gary-and-Nikki2.jpgNikki Berry's background is as a songwriter, community choir leader, arranger and singing teacher. Over the years she has trained as an audio engineer, been an instrument maker, played bass and guitar in a range of original bands, and taught general music skills to adults and young people. She currently leads the exuberant world music choir, A Capellago, and leads workshops for singers throughout New Zealand.

Gary Easterbrook grew up in Whangarei, and has flown airplanes, driven trucks, worked in forestry, flirted with television... the list goes on. His musical career has been equally varied - from heavy rock to bluegrass and country, blues and jazz to world music. He learned piano as an eleven year old, took up guitar at fourteen, then bass guitar and back to piano (with a dabble on drums along the way). He's now happy on all these instruments, and also arranges music for choirs. Besides music, Gary loves surfing, sea kayaking and photography.
